Operational Outcomes of the Disabled in Buriram
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The purpose of this survey research was to study the need for assistance among the disabled and the operational outcomes pertaining to the disabled in Buriram province. The data relating to caregiving to the disabled from 3 organizations in Burirum were collected and analysed. The need for assistance of the disabled was surveyed with the questionnaire. The results showed that the utmost need for assistance of the disabled was the maintenance allowance, followed by family allowance, and occupational allowance respectively. The operational outcomes pertaining to the disabled in Buriram consisted of various welfares. They were medical welfares as the most common, followed by social welfare, occupational welfare, and educational service, respectively. Buriram Provincial Public Health Office was supported by the Prosthesis Foundation under the patronage of H.R.H the Princess Mother to establish three prosthetic leg manufacturing plants in three districts including; Lahansai, Ban Groud, and Kumuang. The operation was conducted by the co-ordination among the government sector, private organizations, local sector and the disabled and supported in terms of physical equipment, budget and the development of system of the disabled service by the National Health Security Office. The cleft palate surgery and correction of other deformities were supported by the Thai Red Cross Society. The capability development of the disabled was supported by the Foundation of the Welfare of the Mentally Retarded Child, as well as physical equipment supported by government sector and private organizations.
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