In Vitro Study of Orthodontic Elastomeric Chains for Canine Retraction

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Sarocha Poolkerd
Somporn Raungpaka


          Objectives: The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the dimensions of elastomeric chains (2) to investigate the force delivery of elastomeric chains through 28 days for canine retraction and (3) to determine the proper length of elastomeric chains for canine retraction. Materials & Methods: The open configuration and four colors (clear, pink, jelly blue and metallic silver) elastomeric chains from Tuffฎ and Dynaflexฎ were examined the dimensions (internal diameter, external diameter, interloop distance, width, thickness and length) by using a measuring microscope Nikon MM-11C at magnification of x10. All elastomeric chains were stretched to 28 mm in Instron testing machine (Model LF Plus) and the data were recorded as the initial forces. Then the force measurements were recoded at 9 times interval through 28 days (At initial placement on the fixture, 1 hour, 3 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days after the first measurement). Results: All tested chains were significant differences in the internal diameter, external diameter and interloop distance. However the width and thickness were not significant differences between two brands. Furthermore all measured dimensions from each company were significant differences among different colors. The elastomeric chains which generate the initial and the final force in the range of 350 to 100 grams were 7 loops in both tested products as well as 8 loops of Dynaflex elastomeric chain. The mean percentage of extension for Tuff and Dynaflex elastomeric chain was 30.73% and 25.84% of original length, respectively. Conclusion: The results of this study showed all elastomeric chains from each company were significant differences in the dimensions. The length of elastomeric chains which generate the proper force for initial canine retraction at 28 mm. were 7 loops in both Tuff’s and Dynaflex’s elastomeric chains as well as 8 loops of Dynaflex’s elastomeric chain.

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How to Cite
Poolkerd, S., & Raungpaka, S. (2024). In Vitro Study of Orthodontic Elastomeric Chains for Canine Retraction. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 33(3), 177–186. retrieved from
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