Syringe Shield with Recycled Lead

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Dutsadee Suttho


          In all Nuclear Medicine procedures need radiation protection equipment especially syringe shield that made from tungsten. As this radiation protection equipment has been insufficient for works because of its price, the researcher had an idea to apply a recycled lead-syringe shield. For the principle that lead is suitable material and can be applied as a radiation protector. Objective:  To investigate the efficacy of the recycled lead syringe shield. Material and Method: A model of syringe shield was designed include a mold for casting it and calculate for the appropriate thickness of lead followed to the theory of “Half value layer” in order to do the radiation protection equipment. The efficacy of radiation protection of recycled lead syringe shields was evaluation and was compared with standard tungsten-syringe shield by pocket dosimeter, ALOKA model PDM-117 SN-A4493, 5 minutes real time duration. Results: The amount of radiation passing through the recycled lead and tungsten could be reduced in 92.06% and 88.97% respectively of 5 mCi radiation source and 90.23% and 82.87% respectively of 20 mCi radiation source. Conclusion: Recycled lead-syringe shield was good radiation protection equipment and could reduce the passing through radiation dose as good as or probable better than tungsten syringe shield.


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How to Cite
Suttho, D. (2024). Syringe Shield with Recycled Lead. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 31(1), 29–34. retrieved from
Original Article


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