Survival Analysis of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital
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Introduction: Nasopharyngeal cancer is the second common head and neck cancer. Main treatment was radiotherapy or combine radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Objectives: To analyse survival rate and prognostic factors of nasopharyngeal cancer patients in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Patients & Methods: retrospective study from medical record of patients with histologically-proven nasopharyngeal cancer treated between January 2000 and December 2004 were eligible for this analytical study. Results: One hundred and thirty five Nasopharyngeal cancer patients were found. The majority of patients was Thai (99.3%) with an age range of 16-82 years (mean 51.4±13.4 years). The male: female ratio was 2.5:1. Nasopharyngeal cancer was classified as stage I (3.0%), stage II (6.0%), stage III (10.3%) and stage IV (80.7%). Distant metastasis was 10.4%, most common organs involved were bone and liver respectively. The overall 5-year survival rate was 30.7% (95% confidence interval = 21.5-40.4). Cumulative 5-year survival rate of patients in stage I,II,III and IV were 66.7, 87.5, 78.6 and 22.7% respectively. Older age, greater nodal size and distant metastasis were in dependent poor prognostic factors. Conclusion: Most of nasopharyngeal cancer patients in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital came to see the otorhinolaryngologists at end stage of the disease. The overall 5-year survival rate was 30.7% (95% confidence interval=21.5-40.4). Older age, greater nodal size and distant metastasis were independent poor prognostic factors.
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