I-131 MIBG Scintighraphy Localization of Pheochromocytoma In Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital: a Case Report and Literatures Review

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Somporn Prasertsil


Pheochromocytoma is unusual and rare tumor of the adrenal gland. It accounts for less than 1% of patients with hypertension. Early detection and removal of the tumor can cure the hypertension and its associated symptoms in about 90% cases, while the untreated patient is likely to be fatal due to catecholamine-induced malignant hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke, ventricular arrhythmia or metastasis. This report showed a case of Pheochromocytoma that occurred in 51 year-old male with history of hypertension and frequent symptoms of headache, palpitation and sweating. He has not been diagnosed until he developed complications in 4 years later. Then, he was diagnosed and treated.


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How to Cite
Prasertsil, S. (2024). I-131 MIBG Scintighraphy Localization of Pheochromocytoma In Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital: a Case Report and Literatures Review. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 30(2), S87-S94. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MNRHJ/article/view/2046
Case Report


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