Improvement of Introduction to Medicine, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital, School of Medicine, Thailand

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Nitiapinyasakul A
Lermanuwararat S
Littirong R


Abstract: Introduction to Medicine is one of the prerequisite subjects for Thai medical students before proceeding to their clinical year clerkship. Though it was developed in a multidisciplinary fashion and covered the cognitive psychomotor and affective outcomes. It has been taught in a traditional style. In the pre-clinical phase curriculum at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital, School of medicine, the teaching method of this subject has been improved for the year III medical students in the 2002. Material and method: The satisfaction survey of the students in the year 2001 was used as input for the improvement. The course was changed to problem-based learning, problem oriented learning and small group tutorial. New instruction materials were also developed and appropriate assessment tools were used. Result: The results showed that the students in the year 2002 were significantly more satisfied with the instruction materials (P= 0.004) and the problem oriented learning (P=0.03) than those in the year 2001

Conclusion: The year III medical students’ satisfaction is increased after improvement of Introduction to Medicine subject. These results were very useful for the continuous development of the course and the adaptation of other clinical subjects.

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How to Cite
Nitiapinyasakul A, Lermanuwararat S, & Littirong R. (2024). Improvement of Introduction to Medicine, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital, School of Medicine, Thailand. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 27(2), 103–112. retrieved from
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