Activities and Indicators for AIDS Problem Solving in School, Academic Year 1998-1999: Educational Administrators and Teachers’ Point of Views

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Thanapong Jinvongs


Nowadays, teenager’s practice of unprotected sexual intercourse gives a high risk AIDS infection and transmission, According to different situation, the educational administrators and teachers should be involve in suitable problem solving. The objective is to study the administrators and teachers’s attitude towards the goal or success indicators and the problem-solving model by interviewing the administrators in urban and rural secondary schools and vocational schools.
It was found out that the administrators realized this problem. But its priority followed was lower than drug and school quality problem, according to the policy. Indicators and data were only reported to the Ministry. The accuracy and coverage of data were limited. They did not present the real situation. The activity model was designed only for school even though this problem was involved with family, community and society.
It is recommended that the school, itself should define, set priority and analyze the problem. The administrators should participate in setting up the problem-solving model. For the evaluation, the indicators should be adjusted for presenting the real problem and the data should be properly used.

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How to Cite
Jinvongs, T. (2024). Activities and Indicators for AIDS Problem Solving in School, Academic Year 1998-1999: Educational Administrators and Teachers’ Point of Views. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 25(3), 157–164. retrieved from
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