Transosseous Wiring of Fracture Condyle of Mandible

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Somsak Kongpaichitwong


This article is a report study for the management of the fracture of mandibular condyle in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital that come into my service between October 1989 to January 1995.

            There are 21 cases, aged between 14-54 years old; 15 males, 6 female. The most common cause is from motorcycle accident 13 cases, car accident 4 cases, falling 4 cases. The bilateral condylar fracture were found 8 cases, the others 13 cases were unilateral condylar fracture. The fracture dislocation were found in 4 cases; 3 cases were bilateral fracture dislocation; 1 cases was unilateral fracture dislocation. The fracture symphysis or parasymphysis were found together with condylar fracture in 7 cases; 5 cases were found together with bilateral condylar fracture and 2 cases were found together with unilateral condylar fracture. There were 3 cases of bilateral condylar fracture dislocation associate with fracture symphysis. Among 21 cases of condylar fracture, 15 cases need open reduction internal fixation of the fracture condyle, only 3 cases that need intermaxilary fixation only. Open reduction and internal fixation of 19 condylar fractures were done in15 cases via preauricular incision and fixation by transosseous wiring technique. For the fracture symphysis or paraphysis 7 cases, the open reduction and internal fixation were done in 3 cases, using monocortical interosseous wiring alone 2 cases and monocortical interosseous wiring together with metacarpal dynamic compression plate in 1 case. The other 4 cases of symphyseal fracture need no open reduction and internal fixation due to the stable fracture site after the intermaxillary fixation were applied. The intermaxillary fixation was applied for 3 week in cases of fracture without dislocation, and the lower arch bar was retained for another 3 weeks longer. In case of fracture and dislocation the intermaxillary fixation was applied for only 1 week to prevent stiffness of the temporo mandibular joint. The result was satisfy in all cases, with acceptable occlusion, no pain no infection. Minimal complication that found were temporally frontal and orbital branches of facial nerve palsy in 2 cases which all complete recover in 3 months, and a case of unilateral fracture dislocation that is found trismus after intermaxillary fixation for 3 weeks, that can be resolved by post-op dilatation for one time.


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How to Cite
Kongpaichitwong , S. (2024). Transosseous Wiring of Fracture Condyle of Mandible. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 19(1), 37–54. retrieved from


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