Study unit cost of dental service in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

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เรวดี สุรัสวดี
ณรงค์ชัย วุฒิภารัมย์


A retrospective study of statistic from Dental Department, Maharat NakhonRatchasima Hospital, October 1988 – September 1989. Unit cost of dental service is 76.8 Bht/visit.

          The comparative of special dental service price and direct variable cost is lost such as oral surgary -188.2 Bht/1 case, All special dentals services are lost, we compared between direct total cost and special dental service price.

          The cost-benefit of Periodontics is 0.97, X-ray 0.85, Orthodontics 0.74, Operative and Pedodontics are 0.73 Extraction 0.65, Endodontics 0.61, Prosthodontics 0.51 and the last Oral surgery in 0.2.

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How to Cite
สุรัสวดี เ., & วุฒิภารัมย์ ณ. (2024). Study unit cost of dental service in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 16(2), 143–158. Retrieved from


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