Bullying in Children and Adolescents


  • Jariya Tarugsa Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Weerasak Chonchaiya Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Sureelak Sutchritpongsa Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Suthatip Empremsilapa Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Boonying Manaboriboon Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Jiraporn Arunakul, Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Khemika Sudnawa Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Leelarapin Chongwatananosawat Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Gornmigar Winijkul Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Sasitorn Chantaratin Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Chosita Pavasuthipaisit Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Panom Katumarn Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand
  • Vinadda Piyasilpa Subcommiteeon management of bullying, The Royal College ofPediatricians of Thailand


Bullying, Bully, Victim, Bystander, school


Bullying is a serious and common problem affecting many children and adolescents in Thailand. Bullying can take on various forms, including physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying. Studies around the world found that the prevalence of school bullying is
highest during early adolescence. Additionally, the prevalence of bullying seems to increase among younger children, especially in the elementary school students. Bullies, victims, and the bystanders have significantly increased risk for physical, emotional, social, and academic problems. The effects of bullying can be serious and even fatal. A systemic and meta-analytic review on anti-bullying programs revealed that the most effective interventions are those interventions that involve the whole school as a community and that address the problem at several levels as individual, classroom, school, and community. Thus, pediatricians have important roles in identifying at-risk children, screening for psychiatric comorbidities, counseling children and families, and advocating for bullying prevention in their schools


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How to Cite

Tarugsa, J. ., Chonchaiya, W. ., Sutchritpongsa, S. ., Empremsilapa, S. ., Manaboriboon, B., Arunakul, , . J., Sudnawa, K. ., Chongwatananosawat, L. ., Winijkul, G., Chantaratin, S. ., Pavasuthipaisit, C. ., Katumarn, P. ., & Piyasilpa, V. . (2021). Bullying in Children and Adolescents. Thai Journal of Pediatrics, 60(2), 110–117. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TJP/article/view/1206



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