Case report: A Thai patient with mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA (Morquio syndrome type A) - clinical phenotypes and GALNS gene mutation analysis
Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA, Morquio syndrome type A, GALNS geneAbstract
Background : Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA (MPS IVA) or Morquio syndrome type A is an autosomal recessive disorder. N-acetylgalactosamine-sulfate sulfatase (GALNS) gene is the disease-causing gene of MPS IVA. Objective : The aim of our study is to study clinical phenotypes, skeletal findings, and molecular analysis in one Thai patient with the severe type of MPS IVA.
Methods : We reviewed the clinical features and family history of the patient. We performed GALNS and B-galactosidase enzyme assay in her blood leukocytes. The GALNS gene mutation analysis was performed on gDNA derived from blood leukocytes of the patient and her parents.
Results : A 3 3/12-year-old Thai girl has presented with abnormal gait and disproportionate short stature for 18 months. Skeletal survey revealed unique skeletal dysplasia known as dysostosis multiplex. GALNS enzyme assay showed low enzyme activity with normal B-galactosidase level. Direct sequencing analysis of the GALNS gene identified the compound heterozygous mutations, c.463G>A (p.G155R) and c.1175C>T (p.A392V). These two missense mutations have been previously reported in patients with MPS IVA.
Conclusion : MPS IVA should be suspected in an individual with disproportionate short stature and genu valgum. Since the GALNS gene has a marked molecular heterogeneity, we need to do the molecular study in the larger number of Thai patients with MPS IVA on a national scale to elucidate the clinical phenotypes and mutational spectrum in Thai patients
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