The knowledge and attitudes of Thai people towards the COVID-19 vaccine Researchers


  • Narakit Sudhinaraset Triam Udom Suksa school
  • Patrick Ruffolo Samsen Wittayalai School
  • Supipa Sirikul Samsen Wittayalai School
  • Naraset Sudhinaraset Shrewsbury International School
  • Victor Ruffolo Triam Udom Suksa school
  • Piyapa Sudhinaraset Patumwan Demonstration School Srinakharinwirot University
  • Natthinee Sudhinaraset Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology at the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University


COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, Knowledge, Attitudes, Acceptance


      Ever since the outbreak of the global pandemic, Covid 19, the world has experienced both physical and economical damage in which vaccines have been the most suitable solution.
      This study examines the knowledge, attitude and acceptance of Thai people towards COVID-19 vaccines that are already registered in the country. We have gathered information by doing a cross-sectional study from two questionnaires. The first pressing was on April 3-22 and the second was on May 26 2021. In total, there were 2,866 and 2,513 respondents respectively. The respondents from the first and second questionnaire have similar personal information in terms of address, congenital disease, career, and educational background. Regarding knowledge and understanding of vaccines, in the first survey, Sinovac (CoronaVac)
accounts for the highest amount, followed by Astrazeneca and Johnson & Johnson (79%, 58%, and 54% respectively). In the second questionnaire, the numbers inclined to 91% (Sinovac; CoronaVac), 75.3% (Astrazeneca), and 68.3% (Johnson & Johnson) which shows that there’s a promotion for vaccination at that time. In addition, our team added more question about Moderna and Sinopharm which respondents have a higher score at Sinopharm (84.9%) than Moderna (68.5%)
      The acceptance of vaccination among respondents was at a high rate in both the questionnaires. Regarding people who are interested in the vaccine, 85.9% of respondents in the first questionnaire are interested. This value increased significantly to 94% in the second questionnaire which was published during the period of promoting vaccination. As this study shows that the attitudes of people have a tendency to change over time, the results will ultimately be useful when planning vaccine distribution in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Sudhinaraset, N. ., Ruffolo, P. ., Sirikul, S. ., Sudhinaraset, N. ., Ruffolo, V. ., Sudhinaraset, P. ., & Sudhinaraset, N. . (2021). The knowledge and attitudes of Thai people towards the COVID-19 vaccine Researchers. Thai Journal of Pediatrics, 60(3), 168–179. retrieved from



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