Clinical characteristic of hospitalized patients with Respiratory Syncytial Virus Induce-lower respiratory tract infection at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital
RSV, LRI, symptoms, acute respiratory failure, childrenAbstract
Introduction: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the leading cause of respiratory illness in young children, often results in severe disease and hospitalization, particularly in children aged < 5 years.
Objectives: To describe clinical characteristic RSV-induced LRI in hospitalized patients and determine the different factors of patients with acute respiratory failure.
Methods: Collected data from the medical record of hospitalized patient with RSV-induced LRI at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2015.
Results: Of 1,227 enrolled patients hospitalized with ARI had RSV isolated from nasopharyngeal secretions, 160 (13%) were RSV positive. Median age 11 (5-19.5) months, more than half of patients were males 89 (55.6%). The underlying conditions were prematurity 20 (60%), BPD lung 10 (30%), CHD 8 (24.2%), asthma 5 (15.1%). The most common presenting symptoms were cough 157 (98.1%) and fever 153 (95.6%). There were 37 (23.1%) patients who had acute respiratory failure and required assisted mechanical ventilation, 7 (4.4%) patients clinical rundown leading to death. After adjusting for the potential confounding factors, the independent risk factor of acute respiratory failure were the presence of CHD (OR 9.1, p=0.013), prematurity (OR 6.1, p=0.028), initial categorized as severe PRESS (OR 46.5, p=0.001)
Conclusion: The RSV infection was highest during August to December annually.
The most presenting symptoms were cough and fever. Underlying CHD, prematurity and initial categorization as severe PRESS were risk factors for acute respiratory failure.
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