Comorbidity of pediatric epilepsy and outcome in Udonthani Hospital
Pediatric epilepsy Comorbidity in pediatric epilepsy Epilepsy outcomeAbstract
Background : Epilepsy is an important neurological problem. Comorbidity of pediatric epilepsy may associate with cognitive development and behavioral outcomes. There were no reported data about pediatric epilepsy comorbidity and outcome in Thailand.
Objectives : To analyze comorbidity of pediatric epilepsy and compare its treatment outcomes.
Methods : This study was a retrospective study. Chart reviewed database of the patient who was diagnosis with pediatric epilepsy in Udonthani Hospital between January 2018 – December 2018 and were being followed up in the same year. Statistical data were analyzed by STATA (version 15) program.
Results : There were 401 children with epilepsy, 217 male (54.11%). The average age was 8 years and 9 months. The average duration of epilepsy was 3 years and 4 months. 47.4% of the patient had comorbidity (Intellectual disability 38.7% Cerebral palsy 15.7% and ADHD 4.7%). 243 patients (60.75%) had seizure free within 2 year after first treatment. 44 patients (10.97%) had seizure reduction < 50%. Compared between the patient with and without comorbidity group, the age and duration of epilepsy and treatment outcome in comorbidity group were higher than in non comorbidity with significant in statistic (p-value < 0.05).
Conclusion : 47.4% of the epilepsy patientshad comorbidity (Intellectual disability Cerebral palsy and ADHD). Treatment outcomes was worsen in whom with comorbidity.
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Keezer MR, Sisodiya SM, Sander JW. Comorbidities of epilepsy: current concepts and future perspectives. Lancet Neurol. 2016;15:106-15. Erratum in: Lancet Neurol. 2016;15:28.
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