Growth velocity in very preterm infant < 1,250 gm
Weight gain velocity, Growth velocity, EUGR, very preterm infantAbstract
Background: In very preterm infant (gestational age fewer than 32 weeks), extrauterine growth retardation (EUGR) frequently influences subsequent growth failure and development. EUGR is commonly linked to a premature infant with a slow growth velocity while hospitalized.
Objective: To evaluate and identify risk factors for slow growth velocity in very preterm infants born between January 2012 and December 2020 with a birth weight of less than 1250 grams during the early neonatal period.
Methods: Both descriptive and retrospective analytical case control studies were conducted. The exponential 2 points approach was used to calculate the weight gain velocity of all infants. The period was between the nadir (day of maximum weight loss) and at PMA 36 weeks or discharged (whichever comes first). Growth velocity of less than 15 g/kg/day was used to classify infants with slow growth.
Results: There were 175 very preterm newborns in all, with an average growth rate of 15.3 + 2.7 gram/kg/day. A total of 74 neonates (42.3%) showed slow growth rate. Initially, This group had lower birthweight (p =0.131), more male (p =0.046), Apgar score at 5 minutes ≤ 6 (p= 0.012), RDS (p <0.001), PDA (p <0.001) and severe IVH (p 0.031). Also, the group was more severely ill while hospitalized. However, multivariable logistic regression showed statistically only two risk factors in the early neonatal period that associated with poor growth velocity were RDS OR 2.51 95%CI 1.08-5.83 (p 0.033) and PDA OR 2.66 95%CI 1.12-6.31 (p 0.025). Furthermore, at PMA 36 weeks or discharge, 119 out of 175 infants had EUGR. In the poor growth group, EUGR is evident in 64 newborns (86.5%).
Conclusions: The weight gain velocity was 15.3 + 2.7 gm/kg/day. RDS and PDA were significant risk factors for poor growth velocity of very preterm infants during the early neonatal period
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