Intracranial hemorrhage due to vitamin K deficiency associated with biliary atresia


  • Chaniya Jakaew Department of Pediatrics, Khon Kaen Hospital
  • Su-on Chainansamit Department of Pediatrics, Khon Kaen Hospital
  • Amnuayporn Apiraksakorn Department of Pediatrics, Khon Kaen Hospital
  • Phisek Yimyaem Department of Pediatrics, Khon Kaen Hospital


biliary atresia, vitamin K deficiency bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage


Background: Biliary atresia is a rare disease, characterized by obliterative cholangiopathy caused cholestatic jaundice. The most common presentations are jaundice and pale stool. A rare presentation is intracranial hemorrhage due to vitamin K deficiency from cholestasis

Objective: To demonstrate an infant with status epilepticus due to intracranial hemorrhage with abnormal coagulogram who was further diagnosed as biliary atresia.

Case report: A 2 months old male infant present with status epilepticus due to intracranial hemorrhage caused by vitamin K deficiency. He had a history of jaundice and pale stool. Patient wasinfused fresh frozen plasma, vitamin K intravenously subsequently and underwent successful surgical removal of intracranial clot, followed by Kasai operation.

Summary: Acase report of an infant with biliary atresia present with status epilepticus due
to intracranial hemorrhage which is a rare presentation.


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How to Cite

Jakaew, C. ., Chainansamit, S.- on ., Apiraksakorn, A. ., & Yimyaem, P. . (2022). Intracranial hemorrhage due to vitamin K deficiency associated with biliary atresia. Thai Journal of Pediatrics, 61(3), 233–239. retrieved from