The effectiveness of programs for treatment of knee osteoarthritis in Phimai Hospital
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This action research was to study the knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients at the osteoarthritis clinic in Phimai Hospital. It was aimed to compare the amount of analgesic drugs, the Visual analog scale, the WOMAC pain, WOMAC stiff, WOMAC function and modified WOMAC scores before and after the interventions. The samples were the knee osteoarthritis patients at the knee osteoarthritis clinic of Phimai Hospital in the fiscal year 2016. ult is stiffness and pain in the joint. Form 46 patients, only 30 patients could completely participate the treatment processes. The general data were expressed as the frequency, mean and standard deviation. The amount of NSAID used at 1-3 and 4-6 months of treatment were compared using Wilcoxon Signed rank test. The difference of Visual analog scale, modified WOMAC in each aspect before, 3 months and 6 months of treatment according to the program for knee osteoarthritis of Phimai Hospital were analyzed using Friedman Two-way ANOVA. There were 29 females (96.7 %) and one male (3.3 %). The amount of NSAID used in 4 -6 months was significantly decreased as compared with in 1-3 months (p-value < 0.05). The Visual analog scale, WOMAC pain, WOMAC stiff after the intervention of the program for treatment of knee osteoarthritis of Phimai hospital were diminished from the baseline with statistical significance (p<.05). The knee function and Total modified WOMAC were improved at 3 months of treatment as compared with the baseline with statistical significance (p (0.05) but not further improved at 3-6 months. It could be concluded that the program for treatment of knee osteoarthritis of Phimai Hospital was helpful for knee osteoarthritis patients to decrease the WOMAC pain, WOMAC stiff and WOMAC function.
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