Outcomes of care of diabetic foot in high risk patients by the multidisciplinary team at Kumpavapee Hospital, Udornthani

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Sunanta Sengmungsa


Objective: To study the outcomes of care of diabetic foot in high risk patients by the multidisciplinary team Method: An action research of diabetic foot in high risk patients at Kumpavapee hospital between 1st. January 2016 and 30th. September 2016 was conducted. The samples were purposely selected from high risk diabetic patients. The demographic data including age, sex, health care sponsorship, duration of disease and investigations including fasting blood sugar, foot assessment using the monofilament and ankle brachial index, were collected from all patients for analysis. The patients with incomplete data would be excluded. Results: Of 3,893 diabetic patients (71.9 %) screened for diabetic foot, there were 36.6 % in the low risk group, 25.7 % in the intermediate risk group, and 36.7 % in the high risk group. Only 64 cases (4.36 %) in the high risk group had abnormal ABI. And only 34 cases complied with the care according to the handbook of diabetic foot care. After treatment, the rate of normal sensation of the right and left feet turned from 29.4 % and 32.4 % to 55.9 % and 52.9 % respectively. The numbers of points of numbness of right and left feet decreased to 1 and 0.8 points respectively with statistical significance (p < 0.05). The rate of normal ABI of right and left feet increased from 32.4 % and 29.4 % to 55.9 % and 55.9 % respectively with statistical significance (p < 0.05). FBS after treatment (X=130.6, SD=37.91) was significantly decreased from those before treatment (X=157, SD=48.55) (p < 0.05). Finally, the overall rate of amputation in 2016 was decreased (legs 66 %, toes 64.2 %). Conclusion: The screening and care of diabetic foot by the multidisciplinary team can decrease the risk of diabetic foot ulcer and the rate of amputation among diabetics. Therefore to follow up and to create the compliance among the family, the community and the health service centers of all levels should be continued every year.

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How to Cite
Sengmungsa, S. . (2024). Outcomes of care of diabetic foot in high risk patients by the multidisciplinary team at Kumpavapee Hospital, Udornthani. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 40(1), 37–46. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MNRHJ/article/view/1374
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