The Study of Behavioral Modification among Villagers to Reduce Cancer, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Diseases by Applying the 7 Steps of the Department of Health Education: A Case Study of the Ta-Sawang Sub District, Muangsurin District, Surin Province

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Duangkamon Chanrerk


The purposes of this study were 1) to assess the behavioral modifications among villagers to reduce cancer, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases in the aspects of the management; the implementation, the outputs and the impacts 2) to study the factors contributing the success using the 7 steps 3) to generalize the behavioral modification of the population of Surin Province. From 3 villages of Ta Sawang sub-district, Muangsurin District, Surin Province, 860, 606 and 763 people who were 15 years old or older were selected. The questionnaires were used to collect the data that would be presented as percentage.

Findings 1) the management aspect, the committee of working was appointed, the mission was clearly defined, the demographic data were collected and the jobs were planned, 2) the implementation aspect, there were plans for modification of villagers’ health behavior, exercise, gardening, learning activities, 3) the output-there were the role models of the exercise, 83.3 % of the villagers knew healthy food, 87.5 % knew an appropriate exercise, 70 % ate proper healthy food, 93.3 % did their exercises, 86.4 % consumed vegetables at least a half of kilogram/day/person and there were 8 vegetable patches in the villages, 1 greengrocer, 8 sport playgrounds. They committed to do exercise together 3 days a week, 4) the impact-the BMI was decreased, the newly diagnosed diabetes and hypertension were 50 % decreased, the incidence of diabetes and hypertension were 10 % decreased. Ban Kokpet achieved the national award as the village of decrease of cancer, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. The factors of the success of this project relied on the compliance of community members, the public policy formation in common, the implementation that based on the fact consistent with the requirement and folklore of the community. The local administration office also supported and led to implement the plan. The achievement of this study should be generalized in every village in Ta-Sawang sub district and in Surin province.

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How to Cite
Chanrerk, D. . (2024). The Study of Behavioral Modification among Villagers to Reduce Cancer, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Diseases by Applying the 7 Steps of the Department of Health Education: A Case Study of the Ta-Sawang Sub District, Muangsurin District, Surin Province. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 40(1), 47–54. retrieved from
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