The pattern of network of oral health promotion service for pregnant women and Children 0-5 years in Nonthai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
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The objective of this half quantitative and half qualitative study was to evaluate the pattern of the network of oral health promotion service for pregnant women and children 0-5 years old in Nonthai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed from 43 files in website between October 1, 2016- September 30, 2017 and qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interview, focus group discussion and a set of questionnaire from dentists and dental nurses. It was found that outcome of oral health service for pregnant women and children 0-5 years, oral examination, oral hygiene instruction, fluoride application and dental treatment in primary care units conducted by routine dental nurses was better than that of primary care units conducted by once a week and once a month dental nurses. However, with the assistance of Tambol Oral Hyginist and Assistance (TOHA), the primary care units that had only regularly visiting dental nurses could have outcomes good enough to fulfill the requirement. From the report of oral health examination in a child development center under the primary care unit, caries-free rates in children 3-5 years old were gradually increased between 2015- 2017 were 29.53%, 35.1 % and 34.57%. When the pattern of service was considered, the rate of caries-free seemed to decrease in the center that had routine dental nurses. This was presumably due to excess work load in combination with non-related work, so the dental nurses tried to fulfill only minimum requirement that was not enough to prevent the dental caries in early childhood. The staff of network has to revise the pattern of service for the better expectation in the next year.
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