The accessibility of diabetic patients to the proactive health sevice at ambol Health Promting Hospital
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The purposes of this mixed method research were to study: 1) the accessibility to the proactive health service of diabetic patients at Tambon Health Promoting Hospital and its obstacles 2) the analysis and comparison of the health outcomes of diabetic patients attending the service of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital. This study consisted of two phases; Phase 1: the cross-sectional descriptive study was aimed to describe the accessibility to the proactive health service of diabetic patients at Tambon Health Promoting Hospital, and its obstacles. The samples were seventy diabetic patients who received the treatment regularly at Tambon Nanung Health Promoting Hospital, Phonphisai District, Nongkhai Province. The data were collected using a questionnaire and a Semi-structured Interview Protocol, analyzed using the computer program and presented as the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Phase 2: the retrospective descriptive study was aimed to analyse and compare the health outcomes. The samples were two hundred and eighty diabetic patients and the data were collected from the book identity for diabetic patients, the laboratory tests and database in Health Center Information System (JHCIS), expressed as the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and compared using the pair t-test and Chi-Square.
Results: 1) In general the accessibility to proactive health service of diabetic patients in Tambon Health Promoting Hospital was rated good. Considering each dimension, the accessibility and convenience and amenities of the service were rated excellent. The acceptability and the sufficiency of service were rated good. 2) Analysis and comparison of the health outcomes of diabetic patients, the averaged FBS, HbA1C, LDL, total cholesterol, triglyceride, retinal examination and the perusal foot at the 12th and 24th months were significantly different at the p 0.05 level. To compare the numbers of patients who had the changes in health outcomes, those who had FBS, retinopathy and perusal foot with significant change were significantly different at the p = 0.05 level. But those with change of HbA1C, LDL, total cholesterol and triglyceride were not different. The results of this study could be utilized to improve the quality of primary care to suit the lifestyle of patients in the community.
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