The Study of Occult Hepatits B Virus Infection in Blood Donors Using Quantitative HBsAg Combining with HBV Profile Immunoassay

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Prayut Kaewmalang
Somsamorn Sukpong


At present the occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) has been more found with the meticulous test in blood donor screening. The serological blood borne infectious test has also been improved to be more sensitive and specific for detection of hepatits B surface antigen (HBsAg). It shows both of qualitative and quantitative result which can be efficiently utilized in HBsAg blood donors screening. This study was aimed to study the hepatits B infection in blood donors using quantitative HBsAg immunoassay especially in OBI stage. The HBV DNA Nucleic acid amplification technology (NAT) reactive but HBsAg qualitative seronegative samples were collected. They were further tested with Liaison® XL MUREX HBsAg Quant and simultaneously with HBV profile. The result showed the ratio 1:733 of HBV DNA NAT reactive and HBsAg qualitative seronegative among the Northeastern donors. The HBsAg Quantitative test was performed and showed seronegative. But the HBV profile test that could identify the stage of HBV infection found both chronic or acute infection and window period or late stage infection. Therefore HBV DNA NAT in routine blood donor screening can detect HBV DNA in the window period and late stage of infection. This assay provides the reduction of the risk of infection among recipients from blood and the blood product transfusion. In routine blood donor screening laboratory, HBV profile test should be further performed in cases of indeterminate for identifying infection stage and guiding the proper management for the donors.

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How to Cite
Kaewmalang, P., & Sukpong, S. . (2024). The Study of Occult Hepatits B Virus Infection in Blood Donors Using Quantitative HBsAg Combining with HBV Profile Immunoassay. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 39(1), 5–12. retrieved from
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