A development of Sweet Enough school Network to a drinking water Sub-district with community participation in Thamenchai Sub-district, Lamplaimat District, Buriram Province. 2010-2015.

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Rerngsit Namwichaisirigun


A development of Sweet Enough school Network to a drinking water Sub-district with community participation was important, because soft drinks causes tooth decay and obesity. In 2010, all schools in Tamenchai Sub-district were selling soft drinks. This project aimed to develop a drinking water sub-district with community participation in order to strengthen community. Method: This action research was comprised: 1) Sweet Enough school Network 10 schools were selected from purposive selection, between 2010-2015. 2) Skill development for health volunteers and knowledge building. 3) MOU and meetings were hold among stakeholders. Information were collected from available documents and observations. The quantitative data was collected. Results: After the program activities, MOU agreement among 10 schools and 8 different working units in Thamenchai sub-district were carried, the community announced 10 consensus issues for a drinking water sub-district and established a network among the health teachers. Many media were witnesses. All 10 schools carried out these points and became a good practice model to other different working unit in Thamenchai sub-district. They became a network. Data from 10 schools and 8 different working units showed healthy meeting. Conclusion: The oral health promotion school network was a crucial way to improve oral health. The impact of this project has supported a development of sweet enough school network to a drinking water Sub-district with community participation. Suggestion: We should be closely monitored operations and continuously educate people.

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How to Cite
Namwichaisirigun, R. . (2024). A development of Sweet Enough school Network to a drinking water Sub-district with community participation in Thamenchai Sub-district, Lamplaimat District, Buriram Province. 2010-2015. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 39(1), 13–24. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MNRHJ/article/view/1545
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