Mental health of patients with chronic diseases in Rattanawapi Hospital, Nong Khai.

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Thanakorn Sananoue


Objective: To study the mental health status of patients with chronic diseases who received hospital services in Rattanawapi Hospital, Nong Khai Province between January and March 2016. Methods:  The Descriptive study by selecting samples from patients who have been diagnosed with Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart disease, Cancer, Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and those with disabilities, according to ICD-10 diagnostic criteria. A total number of 954 patients were purposively included. The data collected were 1) personal data, 2) mental health survey using the Thai Mental Health Questionnaire (TMHQ) which was developed by Sucheera Phattharayuttwat and colleagues since 1999. The descriptive statistics were used. Results: 60.27% of the patients with chronic diseases were found to have anxiety. Somatization, and depression were found in 50.94% and 44.86% respectively. Conclusion: The majority of patients with chronic diseases had mental health problems anxiety, somatization and depression. There was at least one mental health problem in the patients with chronic health condition. Hence, mental health assessment and psychosocial intervention should be carried on for the chronic diseases patients.

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How to Cite
Sananoue, T. (2024). Mental health of patients with chronic diseases in Rattanawapi Hospital, Nong Khai. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 38(1), 25–34. retrieved from
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