The factors relating to the ruptured appendicitis at Phimai hospital

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Peerawat Limmahakun


          Background: Acute appendicitis is a common surgical emergency condition. The patients always have suddenly abdominal pain. Early and precise diagnosis is important and timely surgical treatment can reduce serious complications. Objective: To study the factors relating to the ruptured appendicitis at Phimai Hospital. Research design: Descriptive retrospective study among the appendectomized patients and the pathology of the appendix was studied. Result: Of 147 patients, there were 66 males and 81 females. The pathologies of the appendices consisted of 119 cases with acute appendicitis (80.9 %) and 28 cases with perforated appendicitis (19.1 %). The analysis of the relation showed that fever was significantly associated with the perforated appendicitis with p of 0.01. The time interval of pain from onset to the hospital access more than 12 hours and the neutrophils count more than 75 % were significantly associated with the perforated appendicitis with p of 0.05 Conclusion: The fever, the time interval of pain from onset to the hospital access more than 12 hours and neutrophils count more than 75 % were significantly associated with the ruptured appendicitis.

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How to Cite
Limmahakun, P. . . (2024). The factors relating to the ruptured appendicitis at Phimai hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 38(1), 35–40. retrieved from
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