Radiography Caused by the Fading of the Signal in Digital Image on a Different Period of Time

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Sukanya Niyomchuen


          Purpose: To improve the quality of radiography that is affected by scanning imaging plate at a different time or To improve Quality Assurance and Quality control of the radiography from the effect of using EDR mode processing differently. Supplementary material: Shimazu X-ray machine, CR-reader, measuring tape, 10x12 inch imaging plate, elbow phantom, TOR CDR , Resolution test pattern, stop watch, image J program Method: First , Calibrate the Shimazu X-ray machine for high-accuracy result. Then , Cleaning CR and imaging plate before using and Erase the imaging plate before the next x-ray Synthesis: The study of fading radiography by using automatic mode CR reader at 1, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240s respectively found that In the begin, signals are not different but signals are clearly different after 240s have passed, 25.4 % as a percentage. The study found is congruent with the average of FUJI which is signal fading after 10 to 240 minute . From graph chart between 20-30 minute found that the signal is higher because of inappropriate technique. Result: From the study of signal fading by using automatic mode CR reader at 1, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240s respectively found that signals are clearly different after 240s have passed, 25.4 % as a percentage. That is congruent with the average of FUJI which is signal fading after 10 to 240 minute.

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How to Cite
Niyomchuen, S. (2024). Radiography Caused by the Fading of the Signal in Digital Image on a Different Period of Time. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 38(2), 91–100. retrieved from
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