Computed Tomography Assisting for Fine Needle Aspiration of Lung Lesion in the Department of Radiology, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hostpital
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The computed tomography is applied for localizing the lesion in the lung in order to perform the needle biopsy. By this way; the physician who punctures the lesion will not expose to the radiation objective to evaluate the yield of getting the specimen of lung lesion facilitated by the computed tomography Methods: the patients with lung mass were studied. The radiologist will perform the biopsy and the radiological technician prepares the computed x-ray and other instruments. The patients lay down in supine or prone position and the blue wire was laid at the appropriated site after scanning by the CT It would be marked with magic pin The double shoot with introducer needle and its stylet was used to puncture at the marked site. The CT was used to scan the tip of the needle to see whether it reached the mass. If it entered the mass. The stylet would be removed for getting the mass specimen The bleeding at the punctured site was stopped (the rulur could be used instead of blue wire) Results: The biopsy of lung mass facilitated by the CT was accurate, convenient and simple. It was successful in all 15 cases, without complication. The smallest mass was 1.8x2.1 cm. in size conclusion: The lung mass biopsy facilitated by the CT was highly successful without complication.
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