Cytology Results Unsatisfactory of Cervical Cancer Screening in Srinagarind Hospital

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Ratchaneekorn Thongbor
Nutcha Patarapadungkit
Emon Pasatung
Phannatorn Sirivej


Introduction: Pap smear is common method use for diagnosis abnormal cervical cells. The reasons are simple method, not expensive, good accuracy, safe and simply method for screening cervical carcinoma of both precancerous and early stage of cervical cancer. Objective: To understand the prevalence of cytology results with it. Unsatisfactory of cervical cancer and screening solutions. Patients and methods: Patients who came to the screening of all patients with cervical cytology results as Unsatisfactory. Between 1 January 2552 – 31 December 2554 and preliminary data screening by the age, unit, cytology results with the cytology unit. Results: 168 cases (0.003%) of Unsatisfactory Cervical Cells results. Most cases >60 years old. Least was below than 30 years old. Radiotherapy was most commonly unit that sent the specimens. Conclusion and Discussion: The previously cases the were Unsatisfactory Cells results at Ob-Gyn. OPD., usually not returns to repeated the examination. Maybe from no signs of abnormal menstruation, no leucorrhea, no pelvic pain. Most were annually health care check-up and plan for re-exam next year. Post radiotherapy patients usually return to re-exam. Unsatisfactory Cervical Cells results maybe from improper smear that results in scantly cells. Senile and post radiotherapy cases had with and difficult to peel off cervical cells cause of bleeding when strong or deep smear. These were received scantly cells that result in Unsatisfactory Cells Reports. Physicians who treat this condition must realize the importance of results explanations, in details. As same as the screening test.

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How to Cite
Thongbor, R., Patarapadungkit, N., Pasatung, E., & Sirivej, P. (2024). Cytology Results Unsatisfactory of Cervical Cancer Screening in Srinagarind Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 36(3), 161–166. retrieved from
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