The Serum Erythropoietin Level in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
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Objective: The erythropoietin (EPO) is well-known synthesized by the kidney. When the function of the kidney is severely impaired, the EPO is expected to decrease. This paper is aimed to quantify the serum EPO in cases of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and to compare it with that of thalassemia major and of the normal control. Patients and method: The serum EPO of newly diagnosed CKD was quantified, compared and analyzed with that of thalassemia major (TM) and of normal people, using Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: There were 45 cases per group. The means of EPO level of the CKD, TM and normal groups were 26.4±30.9, 106.2±48.9 and 21.2±27.8 mcg/dL respectively. The EPO of the CKD was similar to that of the normal group but significantly lower than that of the TM group. Every case of TM had the EPO level more than the normal range, and 22 of them had EPO>200 mcg/dL (48.9%). Ten from the CKD group (22.2%) and six from the normal group (13.3%) had the EPO level more than the normal range. Conclusion: The serum EPO of CKD, TM and normal groups were 26.4±30.9, 106.2±48.9 and 21.2±27.8 mcg/dL respectively. The EPO level of the CKD was similar to that of the normal but significantly lower than that of the TM group.
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