Paraparesis and Acute Renal Failure as the Major Presentationof Aortic Dissection

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Pawut Mekawichai


Aortic dissection (AD) is a serious condition with high mortality rate and needs early diagnosis and treatment.Most of the patients with AD present with suddenly severe pain in chest and mid-back area. However, painlessdissection has occurred in some patients with AD. These patients have presented with the symptoms of vascularinsufficiency in any organ which is supplied by the aorta. In this paper, I reported the patient with painless ADpresenting with paraparesis and acute renal failure.

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How to Cite
Mekawichai, P. (2024). Paraparesis and Acute Renal Failure as the Major Presentationof Aortic Dissection. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 35(3), 169–174. retrieved from
Case Report


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