The Surgeons’s Satisfaction on the Anesthesiology Service at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

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Vanthana Wongchumjun


Introduction: Evaluation of surgeon, s satisfaction with anesthetic services was a part of continues service quality development. Objectives: 1). To investigate the surgeon, s satisfaction with anesthetic services 2). To determine the problems and needs of the surgeon, s toward anesthetic service. Material & Methods: The study was investigated under descriptive research methodology, August 2008-May 2009. The data was collected through a set of questionnaire. The participants were 79 surgeons who achieved anesthetic service and worked at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospitals for more than a year. Results: The return rate of the questionnaire was 81.0%. The findings showed that the surgeon, s satisfaction was high to highest level on attitude and behavior of anesthesiologist team, which was 96.8% for friendliness, 96.0% for assistance, 95.0% for attention to the surgeon, s recommendation. In anesthesiology service, the surgeons reported high to highest level of satisfaction for 98.0% for remaining physically present and evaluable for any emergency, 93.0% for the appropriate assigning guidelines of submitting CXR, EKG and laboratory, 92.0% for notifying of irregular patients,  symptom during and after operation. The surgeon, s reported low to lowest level for 45.3% for the anesthesia start time, 25.0% for performing per-anesthesia visiting and evaluation, 21.8% for cooperation with the surgeon, s, 17.1% for the fine of the service, and 17.1 for the patients, s back pain care. Conclusion: The general results of satisfaction level from the study of surgeons towards anesthesiology service are high, but there are still some points that have to be improved and developed. Thus, realizing on problems and actual needs may lead to get into the points and also help decrease possible objection or argument in surgical teams. All over, the out come of the study is for the great benefit of patients.


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How to Cite
Wongchumjun, V. (2024). The Surgeons’s Satisfaction on the Anesthesiology Service at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 34(1), 19–24. retrieved from
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