Sexual Adjustment and Couple Relationship of Spinal Cord Injury Patients in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

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Rachawan Suksathien
Yaowaluk Chaiyaphan


          Background: Sexual adjustment and couple relationship seem to be a big problem after spinal cord injury. Medical staffs still have low consideration in this problem that may lead to couple relationship problem, low quality of life and high divorce or separation rate among patients with spinal cord injury. Objective: To assess the sexual adjustment, couple relationship and factors that related to sexual activity and satisfaction in spinal cord injured persons. Patients & Methods: Twenty eight spinal cord injured patients for more than 6 months with stable partner relationship (22 male, 6 female, mean age 42 years with range of 22-58) were included in the study. The questionnaires including socio-dermographic data, sexual activity, sexual function and satisfaction, sexual behavior, psychosocial aspect, relationship and information that patients want to know about sex were completed. Results: Of 28 patients, 12 (42.9%) reported having no sexual activity after injury, 16 (59.3%) had low sexual relationship satisfaction, 7 (33.3%) engaged in intercourse, 14 (66.7%) expressed their affection in other ways, 24 (85.7%) reported lower sexual desire than before injury, 16 (57.1%) never experienced orgasm, 19 (70.4%) reported markedly decreased genital sensation and 15 (55.6%) had problems about erection and vaginal lubricant. The complications disturbed the sexual activity were bladder and bowel problems, spastic and back pain. Most of them, 22 (78.6%) reported their overall relationship to be satisfactory and could easily talk about sex with their partners. 16 (57.2%) considered sex an important part of their lives and concerned their partner sexual enjoyment. 27 (96.4%) considered themselves had lower sexually attractive and 17 (60.7%) percept that their partners enjoyed their sexual relationships in low level. Only 5 (17.85%) had an idea of getting divorced or separation. Physical and psychosocial factors that correlated with sexual activity and satisfaction after spinal cord injuries were duration after spinal cord injury, type of bladder care, erectile function and vaginal lubricant problems, orgasm, type of sexual activity, consideration that they had sexually attractive and percept that their partners enjoyed their sexual relationship, overall couple relationship and social part of quality of life. Conclusion: Physical and psychosocial factors were important in sexual adjustment and relationship after spinal cord injury. More than half of spinal cord injured persons had low sexual relationship satisfaction but overall relationship was satisfied. The idea of getting divorced or separation was low.

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How to Cite
Suksathien, R., & Chaiyaphan, Y. (2024). Sexual Adjustment and Couple Relationship of Spinal Cord Injury Patients in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 34(1), 63–73. retrieved from
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