Improving the Community Participation in Health Promotion Planning Through Appreciation-Influence Control Process: a Case Study in Tambol Nongphailom, Muang, Nakhon Ratchasima

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Chanantawie Thitawattananon


          Appreciation Influence Control (A-I-C) process is one technique for builting and developing the learning process in community participation in health promotion. This method emphasizes the participants to have careful analysis (process A), to change ideas, to evaluate problems (process I), to make the vision, the target and the aim including the plan and the guideline of practice (process C) via group discussion. Aim: To study the effect of A-I-C technique to the learning process in community participation in health promotion. Material & Methods: This action research was the observation of the community participation in health promotion planning by using A-I-C technique at Bungtalour village, Mu 2, Tambol Nongphailom, Muang, Nakhon Ratchasima. The participation group consisted of 30 volunteers, some were official and some were non-official community leaders. The researcher was the observer, both participatory and non-participatory, and the data collector using questionnaires. And the analysis concerning the knowledge, the level of participation and the satisfaction in health promotion planning was performed during working in the field. Results: A-I-C technique could induce the most participants to realize that they themselves could participate this plan up to the most. The mean scores of the participation before and after the A-I-C technique were difference with statistic significance. The knowledge as well as the satisfaction of participants in health promotion planning was significantly increased. Conclusion: A-I-C technique is very helpful for improving the community participation in health promotion planning.

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How to Cite
Thitawattananon, C. (2024). Improving the Community Participation in Health Promotion Planning Through Appreciation-Influence Control Process: a Case Study in Tambol Nongphailom, Muang, Nakhon Ratchasima. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 34(2), 99–104. retrieved from
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