Satisfaction of Parents whose their Children Received the Day Case General Anesthesia in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital.
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Background: The day case general anesthesia for children for minor surgical service is developed for decreasing admission rate, the economic problem and the separation from their parents. As other client oriented services, satisfaction is important for the improvement. Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction of the parents whose children received day case surgery in aspects of the information, the temperament, the patient interest and the holistic quality. Patients and Methods: This descriptive study was done in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital from 1 April 2008-31 May 2008. Questionnaires including the demographic data, the satisfaction level, the opinion and the suggestion were used to assess the parents whose children received day case general anesthesia for minor surgery, age 1-12 yrs, ASA class I–II. Results: The parents’ holistic satisfaction is good 62.9%, very good 28.9% in aspect of the expression of service providers, their children care, the skillfulness of the service providers, the troubleshooting and the post operation advice. Conclusion: The day case general anesthesia in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital was will accepted by the patient’s parents.
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