Transient Elastography for Evaluating Hepatic Fibrosis in Thai Healthy Volunteers, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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สมชาย เหลืองจารุ
ชวนพิศ สุทธินนท์
สุนทร ชินประสาทศักดิ์
นพวรรณ วิภาตกุล


Transient elastography using Fibroscan is easy, non invasive and painless. Nowadays, there has been no data about transient elastography in Thai healthy volunteers. Aim: To evaluate the hepatic elastography in Thai healthy volunteers by Fibroscan.  Patients & Method: Transient elastography using Fibroscan was performed in Thai healthy volunteers of Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital in November 2008. Fibroscanฎ 502 from Echosens, France with M single 3.5 MHz central frequency ultrasound probe was used to evaluate hepatic elastography by the well trained doctors and the result was delivered at the end of the 10 acquisitions as transient elastography with record in median score (kilopascal; kPa), interquartile ratio (IQR). The interpretation was compared with the normal stiffness of liver of 5.5±1.6 kPa. Results: One hundred and ninety two healthy volunteers were recruited. The majorities of them were female 130 patients (67.71%) and mean age was 44.1±10.9 years (age range 21-71 years). Their mean body mass index (BMI) was 23.2±3.9 kg/m2. Their last liver function tests were within normal range. Transient elastography were done with success rate 67-100% and fibrosis score was within normal limit; 5.5±3.4 kPa with IQR 1.11±0.07. Conclusion: One hundred and ninety two Thai healthy volunteers in Nakhon Ratchasima Province who had normal liver function test, had transient elastoghaphy 5.5±3.4 kPa by Fibroscan.

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How to Cite
เหลืองจารุ ส., สุทธินนท์ ช., ชินประสาทศักดิ์ ส., & วิภาตกุล น. (2024). Transient Elastography for Evaluating Hepatic Fibrosis in Thai Healthy Volunteers, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 33(3), 159–162. retrieved from
Original Article


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