Pediatrics Constructed Response Question Examination of Sixth Year Medical Students of Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital and Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctor, Mahidol University-Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital in Aca

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Prapat Ausayapao
Pravena Vijugprasert
Tosaporn Sirisopitkul
Siriluk Satetarak
Pitchaya Tanormsing


          Constructed response question (CRQ) examination is the novel test that can evaluate problem solving process and compiling of understanding knowledge of undergraduate student. It is used to evaluate the 6th year medical students of Ramathibodi Hospital, Faculty of Medicine (RA) and Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctor (CPIRD), Mahidol University-Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital (PI) during pediatrics internship in Department of Pediatrics, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital from academic year 2005. Objective: To compare the pediatric CRQ examination between RA and PI. Materials & Methods: This prospective study was conducted in simultaneous CRQ examination for RA and PI who practiced internship in Department of Pediatrics, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital in academic year 2006 (during March 1, 2006 to February 28, 2007). The data were compared and analyzed. Results: In academic year 2006, 30 of RA and 14 of PI in 4 subgroups were enrolled. All examination results, i.e. mean of total raw score, mean of %score, median of score and T-score, between RA and PI had no statistically significant difference. onclusion: Pediatrics CRQ examination achievement of 6th year medical students from Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital and from Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctor, Mahidol University-Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital in academic year 2006 were not difference.

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How to Cite
Ausayapao, P., Vijugprasert, P., Sirisopitkul, T., Satetarak, S., & Tanormsing, P. (2024). Pediatrics Constructed Response Question Examination of Sixth Year Medical Students of Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital and Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctor, Mahidol University-Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital in Aca. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 32(1), 47–52. retrieved from
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วราวุธ สุมาวงศ์. เอกสารประกอบการบรรยายที่ประชุม CPIRD 2005. Available from: URL:

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