Breat Feeding at Breast Feeding Clinic, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

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Uriwan Saejung


          Background:  Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital has implemented the program from Ministry of Public Health for exclusive breast feeding 6 mouths by following 10 steps and opening breast feeding clinic.  Objective: To find the rate and influenced factors to exclusive breastfeeding 6 months and to evaluate the result of  breast feeding clinic. Patients & Methods: Prospective study by interview all postpartum women at breast feeding clinic between 14 February, 2006 to 31 July, 2007. Results: The total of 2,882 postpartum women with the ages of mostly between 17-35 years were reviewed. Most of them were housewives (52.1%) and employees (25.3%). About 37.8%  graduated form secondary school. The results showed that the exclusive breast feeding rate 5.0%, loss follow up 92.9%. But 206 postpartum women who were followed up until 6 months had exclusive breast feeding rate 69.4%. Factors that influenced the exclusive breast feeding rate statistically significant were occupation and breast and nipple problems. About 32.0% had problems with their breasts and nipples, commonly cracked or short nipples. Conclusion: The exclusive breast feeding 6 months rate was 5.0% and the statistically significant factors that influenced the exclusive breast feeding rate were occupation and breast and nipple problems.


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How to Cite
Saejung, U. (2024). Breat Feeding at Breast Feeding Clinic, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 32(2), S46-S53. retrieved from
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