Attitude, Knowledge and Practice of Nurse Anesthetist, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital for Postoperative Pain Assessement and Treatment in Recovery Room

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Thidarat Ariyanuchitkul
Nualhong Petchdee
Nualhong Petchdee


          Background: Postoperative pain is a common postoperative problem in the recovery room. Assessment and treatment of patients having pain in recovery room remain a significant anesthetic service while there is no our pain algorithm in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Objective: To survey an attitude, knowledge and practice of nurse anesthetist on pain assessment and treatment in recovery room. To improve the quality of pain management is our purpose. Materials & Methods: A descriptive study was conducted using a designed questionnaire. It was a self administered questionnaire, comprised of sections on attitude, knowledge and practice on pain assessment and treatment. Results: About 59.2% of nurse anesthetist had qualification more than 15 years working experience and 64.7% of them work in recovery room with an average of one day per week. Most of them had good attitude toward pain management (88.2-97.1%). Their understanding about principle of pain management was good (more than 60%). Only 38.2% of nurse anesthetists were using VRS (verbal rating scale) or NRS (numeric rating scale) for pain assessment and pain-severity level recording was done about 44.1-50.0%. Only 32.4% of them believed that the patients in recovery room received adequate narcotic treatment and all of them believed that pain algolithm has been implemented for more effective pain relief. Common factors that influenced pain management were as follows (1) patients were not fully recovered, (2) nurse anesthetist were inadequate (91.2 and 67.7%). Conclusion: Nurse anesthetist had good attitude toward pain management. Implementation of pain algolithm will be helpful in improvement of pain management.

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How to Cite
Ariyanuchitkul, T., Petchdee, N., & Petchdee, N. (2024). Attitude, Knowledge and Practice of Nurse Anesthetist, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital for Postoperative Pain Assessement and Treatment in Recovery Room. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 32(2), S54-S61. retrieved from
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