Prevalence of Overt Nephropathy and Its Associated Factors in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital
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Objective: To determine the prevalence of overt nephropathy and the factors associated with this condition among diabetic patients at the Diabetic Clinic, Department of Medicine, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Patients & Methods: A cross-sectional hospital-based study of diabetic registry in 2003. Overt nephropathy was defined as positive urine dipstick test at least 1+ in two collections excluding patients with non-diabetic kidney disease. Results: The study include 962 patients with type 2 diabetes, consisted of 699 females and 263 males. The prevalence of overt nephropathy founded in this study was 25.6%, and 59.9% of the patients had developed chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 3 or higher. The factors associated with the presentation of overt proteinuria were the duration of diabetes >20 years, systolic blood pressure of >160 mmHg, serum triglyceride of >150 mg/dL and the presence of diabetic retinopathy. Conclusions: Overt nephropathy was a very common complication of type 2 diabetes. Early urine screening test for urine microalbumin and estimated GFR should be done for early diagnosis and early treatment of diabetic nephropathy which could prevent the progression to end-stage renal disease.
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