The Core Competency Evaluation of Health Personnel Model Development at Kalasin Provincial Health Office
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The objective of this study was to develop model of core competency evaluation of health personnel model in Kalasin by using action research. The system theory and outcome model were applied. The study sites were health organizations that responsible by Kalasin Provincial Health Office. Data were collected by using questionnaires dialogue and observation during October 2006 to September 2007. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic and content analysis. The study results revealed that the new core competency evaluation of health personnel model was clear, transparent, provable, just, and suitable for each discipline. The results of core competency evaluation of health personnel showed that the highest competency gap in health personnel who work in hospital and health personnel who work in community were analytic thinking competency, -0.688 and -0.378, respectively. The stakeholder expressed their opinions that the new core competency evaluation was useful and suitable to application. In conclusion, this core competency evaluation model is suitable to apply in annual core competency evaluation for health personnel.
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