Stress and Coping, Self – Awareness, Social Support of Undergraduate Students In Bangkok Metropolis
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The purposes of this research were to study the level of stress, coping behavior, self-awareness and social support of the undergraduate student. The samples were 400 undergraduate students from Kasetsart University, Drurakij Pundit University and Chandraksem Rajabhat University and interviewed by questionnaire. The results showed that: The stress of the undergraduate students was moderate level, their self-awareness was high level. The coping behavior of the students both the problem – focused coping and emotion-focused coping was at moderate level, their social support from parents and friends was at high level. The students who were differences in sex, age, class level, faculty, grade point average and marital status of parents had the difference level of stress. The stresses were negative correlated with self-awareness, the social support from parent, teacher and friends, the problem – focused coping. But the stresses were positive correlated with the emotion-focused coping.
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