Seroprevalence Study of Rabies Immunity among Dogs in Loei Province B.E.2544

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Tawalrat Daengharn
Patiwat Khoondilokpod
Jatesada Jiwakanon
Sirima Pattamadilok


The purpose of this study was to investigate dog immunity against rabies in loei Province. 10 Districts and 36 Villages were selected by cluster random sampling technique. Blood samples of 160 dogs from urban area and 288 dogs from rural area were randomly collected. These dogs were divided into street and house dogs equally. In addition, dogs younger than 1 year and older than 2 years were also equally divided history of rabies vaccination was investigated among those groups. Serum samples were tested for in vitro virus-neutralizing antibodies against rabies using rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test. Ninety percent of vaccinated dogs had rabies immunity equal to 0.5 IU/ml or more. Among vaccinated dogs, the house dogs had 2 times more antibodies level against rabies than street ones (p<0.05). Comparing between vaccinated and non-vaccinated dogs, more 15 times of antibodies level were observed in vaccinated group (p<0.01). For rabies immunity level after vaccination, if would be 16 and 11 times in groups of 1-6 months and > 1 year respectively, as compared to non-vaccinated group. There was no significant difference of rabies immunity between dogs younger than 1 year and older than 2 years. In addition, urban and rural dogs showed no difference of rabies immunity. The positive correlation between vaccination and anti-rabies immunity was seen (R=0.46)

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How to Cite
Daengharn, T., Khoondilokpod, P., Jiwakanon, J., & Pattamadilok, S. (2024). Seroprevalence Study of Rabies Immunity among Dogs in Loei Province B.E.2544. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 30(2), 85–92. retrieved from
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