Oral Health Care Behaviors of Preschool Children’s Parents in Khok-kruad Municipality, Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Kuntima Hampromarat


Background: Preschool children cannot perform oral health care themselves. They need help from parents until they can do it when grow up. Objective: To explore the behaviors of the parents concerning oral health care of their preschool children. Material and Methods: By interviewing the parents of young children, 3.6 years of age, at young children center of Khok-Krund Municipality, according the verified questionnaire in January 2004. Results: There were 55 parents recruited, majority were female, mean age 38.4±12.0 years. Most graduated from primary and secondary school, were employees or agriculturists. The level of knowledge about oral health care was fair, 58.2%. They did not Know the proper time of tooth brushing, numbers of deciduous teeth left, the time of eruption of first permanent tooth, early signs of dental caries. Their attitude about oral health was good, 65.5%. However here were some incorrect attitudes. The parents let the children brush the teeth without supervision. In case of active dentoalveolitis, the tooth should not be treated or extracted. Premature extraction of deciduous teeth could disturb the adjacent nerve. And they wondered whether the native fumigating procedure could remove the worms causing dental caries. The oral health behaviors of preschool children was moderately correct around 69.1%. Some behaviors were not correct, eg. selection crispy snack for children. The good behaviors were not much performed, eg. promoting mouth washing after eating, dental examination every 6 months, checking or repeating tooth brushing done by children. Finally the preschool children had dental caries 63.4%. Conclusion: Most of preschool children’s parents had moderate degree of knowledge about oral health. And main problem of these children was dental caries.

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How to Cite
Hampromarat, K. (2024). Oral Health Care Behaviors of Preschool Children’s Parents in Khok-kruad Municipality, Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 30(2), 103–110. retrieved from https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MNRHJ/article/view/2027
Original Article


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