Comparison of the X-ray Film Quality from Five Manufacturers Using Sensitometry
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Introduction: Radiography is important for the diagnosis. There are many radiographic film manufacturers. Although basic structure of films from different manufacturers is similar, the radiographic image quality may be different. The author was interested in studying the quality of films from manufacturers in order to help purchase the good quality films. Objective: To test the quality of the radiographic films from the different manufacturers. Materials and Methods: Radiographic films from five manufacturers (Kodak Fuji Agfa Konica and CEA), size 14 x 17 inches, 10 films per manufactures, were tested by using sensitometry (X-Rite company, model 396). Results: Fuji x-ray films revealed lowest base and fog and highest radiographic density. But its relative speed and average gradient was inferior to the other films. However the sharpness of the radiographic image using Fuji film was very good. The study also showed that the quality of CEA x-ray films came next to Fuji x-ray films. Conclusion: X-ray film quality from Five manufacturers, suing sensitometry in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital, had good quality and conformed to the standard. However, Fuji x-ray films revealed the most suitable quality.
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