Invention of Radiation Prevention Equipment in the Department of Radiology, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

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Wilai Meemag


Due to harmful effects of radiation, radiation protection for x-ray personnel as well as the patients is important. However, the radiation protection equipment is rather expensive. The author, therefore, try to invent these radiation protection devices from the damaged and unused lead-lined aprons for protection of thyroid gonads etc. As a test, these newly invented protective devices were then subjected to x-ray exposures using various techniques in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the devices. As a result these devices appear to be effective for radiation protection and can be made from the unused material.


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How to Cite
Meemag, W. (2024). Invention of Radiation Prevention Equipment in the Department of Radiology, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 30(2), S81-S86. retrieved from
Original Article


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