The Development of Pregnant Women and Infants Care to Reduce the Birth Asphyxia in Khonburi Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima

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Sakawduan Numsangkul
Suriya Huachaikaew
Pichai Thai-udom


Abstract: Birth asphyxia is a dangerous condition for infants. Severe birth asphyxia may result a long-term deleterious effect; such as persistent brain damage. The birth asphyxia care is very complicated and has high cost. Khonburi Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima, a community hospital, has faced the rising of birth asphyxia. During October – December 2003, it was found that the rate of birth asphyxia was 36.44 : 1,000 of live birth, higher than National KPI (30 : 1,000 of live birth). The patient care team (PCT) of Khonburi Hospital realizes that it is a serious problem, which needs to be urgently solved. We have carried on developing the ways to prevent the birth asphyxia by reviewing the causes of birth asphyxia, analyzing the causes of birth asphyxia by using Root cause analysis. The PCT of Khonburi Hospital in combination with specialists from Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital has organized the seminar, workshop, and developed the clinical practice guideline. We have developed the system of work; ANC clinic, Labor room and Post partum care unit. The result of the development can reduce the birth asphyxia obviously. During January-March, 2005, The birth asphyxia has only 1 case the mean 6.06:1,000 of live birth.

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How to Cite
Numsangkul, S., Huachaikaew, S., & Thai-udom, P. (2024). The Development of Pregnant Women and Infants Care to Reduce the Birth Asphyxia in Khonburi Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 29(2), 107–114. retrieved from
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