Birth asphyxia and its associated factors at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

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Prasit wisetsupakarn


Abstract:  Birth asphyxia is one of important problems of public health of Thailand. There are many factors that cause birth asphyxia. An objective of this study is to verify birth asphyxia and it’s associated factors. Patients recruited were 1,840 pregnant women who delivered live-birth infants in labor room at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima hospital during 18 February – 18 May 2003. After birth the study of age, gravida, number of visit ANC clinic, abnormalities during previous pregnancy and delivery, complications during pregnancy, gestational age, birth weight, characteristic of amniotic fluid, duration of labor stage, duration from membrane rupture to delivery, drug used before delivery, method of delivery, delivery, deliver, ANC clinic, time of birth and 1 minute APGAR score were performed. Result: The average age of 1,840 pregnant women was 27.42 ± 6.07 (range 14-49) years. The incidence of birth asphyxia was 42.9 : 1,000 live-birth. Birth asphyxia was significantly more in complicated pregnancies, gestational age 28-32 week, birth weight < 1,500 gms., moderated to thick meconium stain amniotic fluid, second stage of labor > 120 minutes, breech assisting method, no ANC and delivery by resident and intern. Conclusion: This study is useful for screening, planning and management for the pregnant women and fetuses in order to reduce birth asphyxia.

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How to Cite
wisetsupakarn, P. (2024). Birth asphyxia and its associated factors at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 27(2), 87–96. retrieved from
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