Peripartum Hysterectomy at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital

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Pichit Puern-ngooluerm


Abstract: The objective of this study was to verity the associated factors of peripartum hysterectomy. One hundred and six records were analysed. The incidence was 1.47 / 1,000. The risk factors were antepartum hemorrhage, dead fetus in utero, twins, no antepartum care, multiparity (3), preeclampsia during deliveried, previous cesarean section, low birth weight deliveried, elderly gravida (35 year) and cesarean deliveried. The indications were uterine atony (40.6%), placenta accrete (27.45%), placenta previa (7.5%) and others. Subtotal hysterectomy was 64.2% and most patients needed blood transfusion (87.7%). Postoperative complications were febrile morbidity (14.2%) and others including death (2.8%). The mean of hospitalization was 6.80 days duration while the mean cost was 11,943.92 Bath.


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How to Cite
Puern-ngooluerm, P. (2024). Peripartum Hysterectomy at Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 27(2), 113–122. retrieved from
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