Prospective Randomized Trial of Intraoperative Bupivacaine Irrigation at Dome of Diaphragm for Management of Shoulder-Tip Pain following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: a Preliminary Report

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Kovit Kongkam
Prinya Santichatngam
Nut Boonnithi


Introduction: Gall stone is a common disease in surgical practice. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is the standard treatment for gall stone, but 35-63% of operative patients by this procedure developed shoulder-tip pain (STP).  Objective: To compare the efficacy of intraoperative bupivacaine irrigation at dome of diaphragm to relief STP following LC. Patients and Methods: Triple blinded, randomized study of intraoperative bupivacaine irrigation at dome of diaphragm to relief STP following LC was conducted in Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital during 17 November 1999 to 14 January 2002. Sixty-five patients were enrolled (31 control group, and 34 bupivacaine group). In bupivacaine group, 0.5% bupivacaine 10 ml was placed in right dome of diaphragm after LC. Results: There was less STP in bupivacaine group and there was statistical significant for postoperative wound pain in bupivacaine group. Conclusion: Intraoperative bupivacaine irrigation at dome of diaphragm resulted in relief of STP following LC.


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How to Cite
Kongkam , K., Santichatngam , P., & Boonnithi, N. (2024). Prospective Randomized Trial of Intraoperative Bupivacaine Irrigation at Dome of Diaphragm for Management of Shoulder-Tip Pain following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: a Preliminary Report. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 26(3), 131–138. retrieved from
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