Health Effect Following Exposure to Organophosphate among Agricultural Workers in 2 Sub districts, Sungneon District, Nakhon Ratchasima, 1999

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Surasit Chitpitaklert
Rungsima Bumpenboon
Thommarat Sawangdee
Suwanna Tiaprasong


Objectives: To study prevalence rate of chronic organophosphate poisoning and associated factors in order to establish control and preventive measures. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional analytic study was conducted. In February 1999, baseline levels of erythrocyte acety1 cholinesterase activity (ACHE) of targeted group of agricultural workers, who had exposed to organophosphate were measured using spectrophotometric method. Between May and June 1999, these workers were interviewed, and re-examined for the second ACHE levels. The ACHE levels obtained were compared with baselines, and chronic organophosphate poisoning was diagnosed. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. Result: None of the agricultural workers were diagnosed to have chronic organophosphate poisoning. However, 15 out of 101 workers (14.9%) were found to have the enzyme depletion at the level of 0-30%. More than half of those workers were symptom free (8/15). The enzyme level in workers who sprayed the chemical downwind were 6.7 time lower than that found in workers who sprayed the chemical upwind (OR 6.7, 95% CI 1.4-32.1). Conclusion: Agricultural workers have had unsafe practices. And therefore they should be encouraged to exercise their safety behaviors while working. Biological monitoring of pre-exposure and post-exposure enzyme levels should be assessed for its feasibility. In addition, model development of the reduction of pesticide use should be done at local levels.

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How to Cite
Chitpitaklert , S., Bumpenboon, R., Sawangdee, T., & Tiaprasong, S. (2024). Health Effect Following Exposure to Organophosphate among Agricultural Workers in 2 Sub districts, Sungneon District, Nakhon Ratchasima, 1999. Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital Journal, 25(2), 69–74. retrieved from
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